Make Money

Make Money For Users With Special Ideas And It is For The First Time too


Mazzaneh Board

Option For Advertising and It is The First Time In the WORLD



New Option For The First Time In the WORLD

How It Works



The word "mazaneh"  means quotation,  market-price,  current rate,  opinion,  conjecture,  marker - price,  price ruling,  price quoted,  place where anything is likely to be,  market,  values.
In "Mazzaneh" application, users can register their request for the product or service they need. This request will be automatically sent to the relevant sellers. Any seller who has the inventory or the ability to offer the product can respond to the user's request and announce their price offer.

After sending the price from the seller, a message is sent to the user to be informed about the offered prices. Since the user's request is sent to multiple sellers, he can view a list of bids and compare prices from different sellers. Finally, the user can make his purchase easily by choosing the most suitable price. This process provides transparency and better choice for users and allows them to shop with a more open mind.

How does Mazzaneh Radar work

Mazzane Radar is a great option for instant buying and selling. Buyers

can check different stores and buy the product they want without

having to visit each store or without getting out of their car on the

street. In this system
If you are a buyer, you can register whatever you want to buy through

Mazzaneh Radar in less than a few minutes. This system allows you to

send your request to all sellers in the area by adding the image of the

desired product (such as clothes, decorative items, etc.) and get a quick response.



Even if the buyer is in a large passage, by sending the image of the desired product, he can query all related stores in that passage and check whether they have a similar product or not; This system is very useful for buying items such as clothes, jewelry or any other goods.
After the user registers the request in the application, within a short period of time, Radar collects the product information from all related sellers within the radius specified by the user and asks them if they have the goods or services that the buyer wants or not!?

Step Two

With Mazzaneh Radar, what might take you a day will be

done in just a few minutes!
When a buyer uses Mazzaneh Radar to make a purchase, the phones of

all sellers related to his request in that area will start ringing and

display the buyer's request. If you are a seller, all you have to do is

respond to the request by pressing the "Available" or "Not Available" button.


In this section, after a few minutes, you can see the answers given by the sellers to your request. Sellers who have accepted your request are marked in green and those who have not responded or are out of stock are marked in red. Also, those sellers who have the product in stock can announce the price of their product or provide explanations about it through audio recording.

Step Three

In this section, after a few minutes, you can see the answers given by

the sellers to your request. Sellers who have accepted your request are

marked in green and those who have not responded or are out of stock

are marked in red. Also, those sellers who have the product in stock

can announce the price of their product or provide

explanations about it through audio recording.

Advantages of Mazzaneh Radar for Sellers

online sales without the need  to produce content, take pictures of products, send them, continuous advertising and pay for them, etc. in today's world. Radar Quotation is the only software that can be sold by pressing a button without the need to produce content and advertising. You can have a real and face-to-face sale, that too at the same moment.


More than 90% of customers are real, because the buyer can only get a Mazzane radar within a maximum of 4 km... and that means the buyer is definitely near your store!! And the probability that the buyer is fake is very low.


You respond to requests online and with software, but you sell in person and in your own store!!

Because it is included in the Mazzaneh Radar, the customer must make the purchase from the seller in person, so the seller does not need to post the product, bank portal and related issues.

Selling through Mazzaneh radar only requires pressing a button, and the seller can easily respond to the customer with any amount of information about technology and lack of time. Basically, this option is a combination of traditional and modern sales.

Why do many people prefer online shopping

Many people like to see the product they want to buy first (such as clothes, jewelry, decorative goods, etc.) and then buy it.

Many people sometimes need to buy a product quickly and cannot wait for it to be sent by post.

Many people do not have enough interest and familiarity with technology and prefer traditional shopping, which is done in the easiest way with the Mazzaneh radar 

Maybe many people, especially tourists, do not know the places and stores related to what they want to buy, but in Mazzaneh Radar, they can easily find any store that they have difficulty finding or do not know. find and have a satisfactory purchase.

Maybe many people, especially tourists, do not know the places and stores related to what they want to buy, but in Mazzaneh Radar, they can easily find any store that they have difficulty finding or do not know. find and have a satisfactory purchase.

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