Make Money

Make Money For Users With Special Ideas And It is For The First Time too


Mazzaneh Board

Option For Advertising and It is The First Time In the WORLD



New Option For The First Time In the WORLD

How It Works



The word "mazaneh"  means quotation,  market-price,  current rate,  opinion,  conjecture,  marker - price,  price ruling,  price quoted,  place where anything is likely to be,  market,  values.
In "Mazzaneh" application, users can register their request for the product or service they need. This request will be automatically sent to the relevant sellers. Any seller who has the inventory or the ability to offer the product can respond to the user's request and announce their price offer.

After sending the price from the seller, a message is sent to the user to be informed about the offered prices. Since the user's request is sent to multiple sellers, he can view a list of bids and compare prices from different sellers. Finally, the user can make his purchase easily by choosing the most suitable price. This process provides transparency and better choice for users and allows them to shop with a more open mind.


The reasons for the formation of the Mazzaneh board

Due to the exorbitant costs of environmental advertising and billboards, which have not had much feedback in advertising, the idea of "Mazzaneh Board" was formed. In this type of advertising, we try to target the real audience of each brand.
Suppose you are a manufacturer, importer or owner of a brand and you intend to unveil and promote one of your products. Naturally, there are many ways to introduce a product, including:

A: Using environmental advertising (billboard)
B: Television advertisements or home internet networks
C: Advertising on social networks and websites
D: Using marketer for introduction
E: Paper advertisements such as catalogs and pamphlets

Mazzaneh Board



Have you ever thought about how much feedback you are getting for what you spend on billboards and outdoor advertising? What percentage of your target audience is real? Or how many percent of them will be willing to buy your products?
According to statistics and research conducted in the field of advertising management and branding, out of every 100 people who are exposed to an advertising message, 60 people pay attention to it, 20 to 30 people read the message carefully, and only 10 people respond to it. Now suppose you participated in a campaign that cost you at least several hundred thousand dollars; According to these statistics, we realize that only 10% of the audience was your real audience. (Of course, this statistic,can be different depending on the type of message, tone, creativity, coherence, presentation and integration, as well as the style of the campaign strategy.)
The purpose of creating the idea of ​​"Mazzane board" was to enable business owners to get the most feedback from their advertisements at the lowest cost, attract real audiences and finally, turn them into real buyers and loyal customers.

"Mazzaneh Board" winners' performance steps

"Mazzaneh Board" winners' performance steps


Suppose you are the owner of a smart watch brand and your new product has special and unique features that you want to introduce to the audience. To introduce your product, you use environmental advertising and spend several hundred thousand dollars and launch an advertising campaign.. Naturally, a lot of people will see your billboard and pass by it when it is displayed, but only about 60% of them will pay attention to the sign. Of these 60%, half of them may not be your target audience. Some of them may not need the product or even not be part of your target audience due to lack of technology knowledge. On the other hand, a group of audience may not be able to afford the product.
In addition, you will not be able to explain all the special and new features of your product in one billboard, and it will be very difficult to convince people to understand your main message, which is the new features of the product.
Finally, a very small percentage will pay attention to your brand and the desired advertisement will not have a favorable response. Therefore, the goal you have been looking for (branding and attracting customers) will not be achieved.

mazzaneh board
The solution considered in the "Mazzneh" application is to precisely identify the target. In this application, there is a section named "Mazzaneh Winners" that asks the business owner to identify the target audience. As a result, the target will be filtered based on the business owner's needs and the ads will be shown only to this audience.

The condition of participating in the contest is that users follow the business owner's page in the “mazzaneh” and read all the product information and answer the questions during the contest. Naturally, any user who follows the business page and answers all the questions correctly is among the winners and will be awarded a prize


Let’s say that the “Mazzaneh” application has 2 million users, and of these, 150,000 people are target audiences who have followed a specific business. In a short period of time, we see that the business owner has about 100,000 active users who are aware of all the details of the business. To avoid losing these followers, we ask users to follow the business page first to enter the contest. Also, users cannot unfollow a business for a certain period of time


Now why do we use this method to introduce
the product

This method is one of the most ideal advertising modes for any business; Because it shows the product to the target audience at the lowest cost. In fact, this type of advertising is completely targeted, identifies the audience with high accuracy and brings the most feedback. Every business owner can filter their ads based on their knowledge of the target audience (wholesalers, retailers, etc.) or specific characteristics such as gender, age group, interests and city of residence. In this way, when using the application, users will only see ads related to their needs and interests, and no unrelated ads will be shown to them.
For example, if someone is a cosmetics manufacturer, their ads will only be shown to people such as cosmetics store owners, women, or other relevant audiences.

A: Significant and effective reduction of advertising costs
B: Access to the real audience that receives complete information about the product
C: Creating a loyal customer and keeping the product in his mind
D: Strengthening the good feeling towards the brand due to receiving an award and creating word of mouth advertising from the customer (attracting new customers)
E: The possibility of choosing the audience based on characteristics such as age, gender, geographical location, etc
F: The possibility of running advertising campaigns for small and newly established businesses: due to the ability to filter audiences and ad budgeting by the employer, even small businesses in small cities can benefit from this method. For example, a shop in a small town can show its ad only to its fellow citizens, or a startup in a certain field can show its ads only to those interested in that field.
Increase the value of the business page: By attracting the participation of real and relevant audience, the value of the business page increases. For example, a broadcast company that has specific customers, such as restaurants, coffee shops, and fast food restaurants, can show its ads only to these audience groups. As a result, when running contests or campaigns, targeted business audiences are encouraged to follow the page, which helps increase the value of the business page.

How to display the ad and the specifications
you want to display

How to display the ad and the specifications
you want to display

In this section, all the specifications of your product that you want the audience to know about will be displayed to them. After the audience follows your store page, they should save and remember all this information summarized in three pages.

After doing the above, you have 20 seconds to answer the questions

After doing the above, you have 20 seconds to answer the questions


In this section, after asking the questions, the users who have more correct answers will be considered as a reward. Also, all questions are randomly changed and will be different for each user.

If the user answers all the questions correctl within 20 seconds


If the user answers all the questions correct within 20 seconds

 If the user answers all the questions correctly within 20 seconds, he will be considered the winner and the amount of the specified prize will be deposited into his wallet. There is a monthly income, which users can earn through more methods
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